Wednesday, October 17, 2007

11 Years Before He Became Prime Minister...

"Wanna party?"

Condoleeza Rice Krispy

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earned cautious Egyptian support for a Middle East peace meeting that the Bush administration wants to hold in the U.S. city of Annapolis, Maryland.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Boys Night Out

"I hate when this happens."

Don't Push Me, George

"Seriously, this is the last time I tell you what I'm wearing to one of these things."


"I'm sooooooo sorry, America, please FORGIVE me."

Get it?

"As you can see, I keep my dogs like I keep my free press... on a short leash! Heh heh. ENOUGH!"

How Very Odd

"It seems that someone replaced my environment with five excess weight of ballerina."


"I... I seem to have soiled myself."

Stop, It Hurts

"And then he said, 'But my people are starving!'"

This is Too Easy

"Ha ha ha ha, exxcellent."

A Story to Tell His Own Kids, One Day



"Can I just... touch"

Smile For Me Now, Brother

"Enjoy these happy hours, dog. They shall be your last."

Where's My Cannon

"I don't know where I could've left it. It's a huge green cannon."